E-Data Systems, Inc., is a document services company employing one of the most highly trained financial EDGAR/Typesetting staff found in the Industry. Our Management staff combines over 30 years of financial printing background. The Company's operations integrates specialized areas of expertise: securities compliance document services and traditional print publishing. We are dedicated to delivering the most efficient, cost-effective means for producing EDGAR, typesetting and wordprocessing. E-Data Systems production facility is located in the heart of the financial district in New York City. In combination, these operations address the growing need on the part of businesses to deliver financial and commercial information in a variety of new and traditional media formats. E-Data Systems can handle your anticipated filing volume with stated guarantees for turnaround. Our office is open 24 hours a day, Monday through Saturday morning.
NEW - XBRL Filing Services
We have developed a unique, state-of-the-art XBRL preparation and filing tool with a focus on efficiency, timeliness and cost savings. Call us at 212 402 6868 for more detailed information.